So the billions of people around the world who practiced a religion, went quietly into the night, without so much as a whimper? Despite the ban on religion and what would likely be a major global upheaval with court battles, riots, imprisonments and deaths, JW's somehow practice theirs even though it's apparently common public knowledge which is made evident by the statement that acknowledges that there will be those who resent them for continuing to worship.
If it's common knowledge that JW's are still practicing their religion, the government apparently isn't cracking down on them much and if they are, the JW's aren't doing a very good job of being secretive.
It's also ridiculous to see in that picture, those evil yet clean cut and nicely dressed worldly people, who after the major global upheaval that would have taken place, have the luxury of of sitting around in a plush coffee shop and that a bulletin consistent with JW lingo (Peace and Security Proclaimed) is being displayed on multiple flat screen televisions similar to the ones that have recently been installed at the Kingdom Halls. If anyone actually was "proclaiming" peace and security, they'd simply proclaim it....they wouldn't use the word proclaimed while doing so.
The Boys back east have been cooped together in their compound out in the country too long now and are becoming more and more delusional. I think being headquartered in New York City was the only thing that was keeping them somewhat grounded in reality.
Reading this nonsense in black and white and seeing that accompanying cultish picture has got to be a wake up call for some of the more intelligent ones remain in that Organization.